(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report contains overall statistics.
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending
14-Apr-2002 00:30).
Successful requests: 23,693 (178)
Average successful requests per day: 9 (25)
Successful requests for pages: 13,377 (158)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 5 (22)
Failed requests: 461 (1)
Redirected requests: 2,250 (4)
Distinct files requested: 85 (63)
Distinct hosts served: 3,951 (54)
Corrupt logfile lines: 183
Unwanted logfile entries: 103,194
Data transferred: 1.295 Gbytes (27.548 Mbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 551.369 kbytes (3.935 Mbytes)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each year.
Each unit () represents 150 requests
for pages or part thereof.
year: reqs: pages: ----: ----: -----: 2002: 2763: 1905:Busiest year: 2001 (6,265 requests for pages).2001: 8420: 6265:
2000: 4572: 2193:
1999: 3270: 1106:
1998: 2340: 734:
1997: 1696: 864:
1996: 624: 302:
1995: 8: 8:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each month.
Each unit () represents 20 requests
for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ----: -----: Apr 2002: 262: 235:Busiest month: May 2001 (777 requests for pages).Mar 2002: 991: 720:
Feb 2002: 917: 557:
Jan 2002: 593: 393:
Dec 2001: 583: 389:
Nov 2001: 964: 657:
Oct 2001: 799: 580:
Sep 2001: 584: 451:
Aug 2001: 692: 513:
Jul 2001: 676: 559:
Jun 2001: 794: 699:
May 2001: 963: 777:
Apr 2001: 688: 584:
Mar 2001: 682: 541:
Feb 2001: 589: 307:
Jan 2001: 406: 208:
Dec 2000: 353: 199:
Nov 2000: 747: 417:
Oct 2000: 307: 151:
Sep 2000: 379: 231:
Aug 2000: 302: 131:
Jul 2000: 291: 105:
Jun 2000: 358: 207:
May 2000: 420: 203:
Apr 2000: 405: 183:
Mar 2000: 283: 110:
Feb 2000: 418: 148:
Jan 2000: 309: 108:
Dec 1999: 285: 111:
Nov 1999: 224: 65:
Oct 1999: 480: 179:
Sep 1999: 533: 126:
Aug 1999: 353: 94:
Jul 1999: 346: 98:
Jun 1999: 208: 70:
May 1999: 192: 127:
Apr 1999: 155: 72:
Mar 1999: 136: 44:
Feb 1999: 180: 52:
Jan 1999: 178: 68:
Dec 1998: 183: 47:
Nov 1998: 182: 55:
Oct 1998: 258: 72:
Sep 1998: 215: 64:
Aug 1998: 418: 126:
Jul 1998: 252: 53:
Jun 1998: 91: 32:
May 1998: 183: 89:
Apr 1998: 127: 45:
Mar 1998: 87: 28:
Feb 1998: 197: 67:
Jan 1998: 147: 56:
Dec 1997: 105: 34:
Nov 1997: 145: 42:
Oct 1997: 347: 273:
Sep 1997: 241: 141:
Aug 1997: 174: 108:
Jul 1997: 117: 52:
Jun 1997: 173: 67:
May 1997: 98: 34:
Apr 1997: 80: 38:
Mar 1997: 67: 27:
Feb 1997: 74: 25:
Jan 1997: 75: 23:
Dec 1996: 77: 24:
Nov 1996: 92: 41:
Oct 1996: 279: 142:
Sep 1996: 63: 31:
Aug 1996: 107: 58:
Jul 1996: 0: 0: Jun 1996: 0: 0: May 1996: 0: 0: Apr 1996: 0: 0: Mar 1996: 2: 2:
Feb 1996: 0: 0: Jan 1996: 4: 4:
Dec 1995: 3: 3:
Nov 1995: 0: 0: Oct 1995: 2: 2:
Sep 1995: 1: 1:
Aug 1995: 0: 0: Jul 1995: 2: 2:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each week.
Each unit () represents 8 requests
for pages or part thereof.
week beg.: reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -----: 7/Apr/02: 178: 158:Busiest week: week beginning 24/Mar/02 (276 requests for pages).31/Mar/02: 84: 77:
24/Mar/02: 301: 276:
17/Mar/02: 173: 129:
10/Mar/02: 170: 98:
3/Mar/02: 274: 172:
24/Feb/02: 293: 140:
17/Feb/02: 283: 154:
10/Feb/02: 200: 163:
3/Feb/02: 196: 134:
27/Jan/02: 104: 67:
20/Jan/02: 173: 108:
13/Jan/02: 143: 99:
6/Jan/02: 124: 91:
30/Dec/01: 79: 44:
23/Dec/01: 107: 66:
16/Dec/01: 87: 58:
9/Dec/01: 166: 109:
2/Dec/01: 202: 143:
25/Nov/01: 170: 124:
18/Nov/01: 271: 184:
11/Nov/01: 399: 247:
4/Nov/01: 105: 83:
28/Oct/01: 127: 98:
21/Oct/01: 139: 121:
14/Oct/01: 237: 155:
7/Oct/01: 195: 155:
30/Sep/01: 137: 86:
23/Sep/01: 147: 137:
16/Sep/01: 114: 104:
9/Sep/01: 145: 102:
2/Sep/01: 151: 95:
26/Aug/01: 149: 106:
19/Aug/01: 168: 120:
12/Aug/01: 102: 65:
5/Aug/01: 193: 145:
29/Jul/01: 160: 124:
22/Jul/01: 167: 116:
15/Jul/01: 142: 112:
8/Jul/01: 212: 200:
1/Jul/01: 94: 89:
24/Jun/01: 188: 150:
17/Jun/01: 144: 123:
10/Jun/01: 163: 148:
3/Jun/01: 174: 164:
27/May/01: 316: 271:
20/May/01: 276: 229:
13/May/01: 162: 130:
6/May/01: 161: 118:
29/Apr/01: 208: 178:
22/Apr/01: 189: 143:
15/Apr/01: 149: 119:
8/Apr/01: 130: 110:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each day.
Each unit () represents 4 requests
for pages or part thereof.
date: reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -----: 13/Apr/02: 17: 16:Busiest day: 24/Mar/02 (148 requests for pages).12/Apr/02: 11: 11:
11/Apr/02: 27: 19:
10/Apr/02: 16: 16:
9/Apr/02: 15: 15:
8/Apr/02: 35: 25:
7/Apr/02: 57: 56:
6/Apr/02: 7: 7:
5/Apr/02: 0: 0: 4/Apr/02: 34: 34:
3/Apr/02: 28: 21:
2/Apr/02: 5: 5:
1/Apr/02: 10: 10:
31/Mar/02: 0: 0: 30/Mar/02: 8: 8:
29/Mar/02: 15: 9:
28/Mar/02: 17: 10:
27/Mar/02: 0: 0: 26/Mar/02: 25: 16:
25/Mar/02: 87: 85:
24/Mar/02: 149: 148:
23/Mar/02: 13: 13:
22/Mar/02: 31: 23:
21/Mar/02: 31: 31:
20/Mar/02: 30: 20:
19/Mar/02: 15: 12:
18/Mar/02: 53: 30:
17/Mar/02: 0: 0: 16/Mar/02: 20: 16:
15/Mar/02: 28: 12:
14/Mar/02: 15: 14:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.
Each unit () represents 60 requests
for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: ----: -----: Sun: 2089: 1291:Mon: 3766: 2019:
Tue: 3899: 2128:
Wed: 4065: 2362:
Thu: 4033: 2185:
Fri: 3710: 2042:
Sat: 2131: 1350:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each hour.
Each unit () represents 1 request
for a page.
date time: reqs: pages: ---------------------: ----: -----: 13/Apr/02 21:00-22:00: 5: 4:Busiest hour: 6/Sep/00 05:00-06:00 (110 requests for pages).13/Apr/02 20:00-21:00: 5: 5:
13/Apr/02 19:00-20:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 18:00-19:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 17:00-18:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 16:00-17:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 15:00-16:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 14:00-15:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 13:00-14:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 12:00-13:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 11:00-12:00: 1: 1:
13/Apr/02 10:00-11:00: 2: 2:
13/Apr/02 09:00-10:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 08:00-09:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 07:00-08:00: 2: 2:
13/Apr/02 06:00-07:00: 1: 1:
13/Apr/02 05:00-06:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 04:00-05:00: 1: 1:
13/Apr/02 03:00-04:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 02:00-03:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 01:00-02:00: 0: 0: 13/Apr/02 00:00-01:00: 0: 0: 12/Apr/02 23:00-24:00: 0: 0: 12/Apr/02 22:00-23:00: 0: 0:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
Each unit () represents 20 requests
for pages or part thereof.
hour: reqs: pages: ----: ----: -----: 0: 725: 440:1: 597: 387:
2: 551: 384:
3: 615: 438:
4: 475: 332:
5: 698: 568:
6: 520: 419:
7: 480: 407:
8: 587: 374:
9: 842: 508:
10: 1129: 596:
11: 1593: 831:
12: 1298: 569:
13: 1617: 817:
14: 1482: 773:
15: 1672: 800:
16: 1578: 801:
17: 1401: 677:
18: 1359: 679:
19: 938: 563:
20: 990: 524:
21: 833: 515:
22: 835: 453:
23: 878: 522:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.
Listing domains, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: domain ----: ------: ------ 7429: 11.96%: .nl (Netherlands) 2610: 1.53%: cwi.nl (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica) 4133: 21.97%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 3533: 18.15%: .com (Commercial) 1986: 9.60%: .net (Network) 1085: 8.39%: .edu (USA Educational) 703: 3.70%: .uk (United Kingdom) 501: 1.32%: .au (Australia) 484: 2.03%: .de (Germany) 442: 3.44%: .fr (France) 406: 1.76%: .be (Belgium) 348: 0.96%: .es (Spain) 264: 1.60%: .ca (Canada) 254: 1.18%: .it (Italy) 226: 1.80%: .jp (Japan) 125: 0.33%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 104: 0.35%: .dk (Denmark) 102: 0.63%: .se (Sweden) 96: 0.19%: .il (Israel) 95: 1.22%: .pl (Poland) 89: 0.40%: .ch (Switzerland) 89: 0.31%: .cz (Czech Republic) 88: 1.09%: .gov (USA Government) 80: 0.47%: .at (Austria) 77: 0.50%: .tw (Taiwan) 69: 0.50%: .gr (Greece) 53: 0.43%: .br (Brazil) 48: 0.16%: .kr (South Korea) 48: 0.21%: .ie (Ireland) 46: 0.44%: .mil (USA Military) 45: 0.18%: .cn (China) 45: 0.24%: .pt (Portugal) 40: 0.05%: .no (Norway) 39: 0.22%: .hk (Hong Kong) 37: 0.36%: .sg (Singapore) 35: 0.20%: .us (United States) 33: 0.45%: .sa (Saudi Arabia) 31: 0.19%: .fi (Finland) 30: 0.11%: .my (Malaysia) 28: 0.28%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet) 27: 0.25%: .in (India) 25: 0.23%: .nz (New Zealand) 20: 0.22%: .ar (Argentina) 19: 0.08%: .mx (Mexico) 18: 0.08%: .hu (Hungary) 18: 0.01%: .lu (Luxembourg) 18: 0.34%: .id (Indonesia) 14: 0.11%: .za (South Africa) 14: 0.09%: .ru (Russia) 14: 0.10%: .hr (Croatia) 14: 0.04%: .ee (Estonia) 13: 0.02%: [domain not given] 11: 0.07%: .int (International) 10: 0.11%: .lt (Lithuania) 9: 0.11%: .si (Slovenia) 9: 0.15%: .tr (Turkey) 8: 0.04%: .ua (Ukraine) 7: : .ec (Ecuador) 5: 0.15%: .bg (Bulgaria) 5: 0.09%: .th (Thailand) 5: 0.03%: .ir (Iran) 4: 0.04%: .gl (Greenland) 4: 0.05%: .su (Former USSR) 3: : .yu (Yugoslavia) 3: 0.02%: .uy (Uruguay) 3: 0.03%: .cl (Chile) 3: 0.03%: .gt (Guatemala) 3: 0.04%: .sk (Slovakia) 3: 0.01%: .tt (Trinidad and Tobago) 3: : .am (Armenia) 2: 0.01%: .ro (Romania) 2: : .ge (Georgia) 2: : .ma (Morocco) 2: 0.03%: .et (Ethiopia) 1: 0.01%: .mu (Mauritius) 1: 0.01%: .co (Colombia) 1: 0.01%: .ph (Philippines) 1: 0.01%: .lv (Latvia)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.
Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation -----: ------: ------------ 4146: 22.00%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 2610: 1.53%: cwi.nl 700: 0.69%: support.nl 507: 0.27%: worldonline.nl 405: 0.54%: av.com 384: 0.13%: a2000.nl 303: 0.23%: wxs.nl 286: 4.43%: wise-guys.nl 282: 0.22%: inktomi.com 271: 5.23%: dec.com 269: 0.07%: aston.ac.uk 247: 1.57%: home.com 239: 2.50%: aol.com 209: 0.01%: cidera.com 204: 0.07%: xs4all.nl 185: 0.21%: uu.net 181: 2.54%: asp4all.nl 179: 0.34%: csic.es 175: 0.13%: uva.nl 171: 0.13%: connect.com.au 11737: 57.19%: [not listed: 1,366 organisations]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the computers which requested files.
Listing hosts with at least 50 requests, sorted alphabetically.
reqs: %bytes: host -----: ------: ---- 57: : 128: 0.75%: 72: 0.58%: 189: 1.87%: 74: 0.13%: 87: 0.11%: 60: 0.35%: 64: 0.22%: 63: 0.02%: myeah.connect.com.au 88: 0.02%: myponga.connect.com.au 56: 1.15%: nat-ivl.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be 66: 0.29%: green.alexa.com 163: 0.02%: trek32.sv.av.com 118: : dca1-oi1.eu1.ul.cidera.com 60: : dca1-wc1.eu1.ul.cidera.com 84: 1.80%: atrax2.pa-x.dec.com 59: 1.66%: connect2.pa-x.dec.com 78: 1.66%: mercator.pa-x.dec.com 55: 0.22%: ie-bry-prox-nt5.bray.ie.dell.com 58: 0.13%: cc225398-a.abercorn1.ga.home.com 69: 0.46%: dsl-64-130-199-85.telocity.com 62: 0.03%: paulin.uni-trier.de 56: 0.08%: pita.stanford.edu 179: 0.34%: acebo.csic.es 58: 0.32%: natgw.apex.net 152: 0.05%: node1c2c.a2000.nl 109: 0.04%: proxy.a2000.nl 181: 2.54%: fw01.asp4all.nl 67: 0.05%: bark.cwi.nl 126: 0.01%: engeland.cwi.nl 58: 0.01%: helmstok.cwi.nl 100: 0.04%: kayak.cwi.nl 83: 0.03%: kits.cwi.nl 56: 0.02%: pc2.cwi.nl 67: 0.02%: pc53.cwi.nl 61: 0.03%: piglet19.cwi.nl 137: 0.04%: steur.cwi.nl 69: 0.02%: trireme.cwi.nl 73: 0.03%: tuff.cwi.nl 57: 0.02%: zeekoe.cwi.nl 137: 0.02%: roxy.icim.fnt.hvu.nl 692: 0.68%: gw-ddi.support.nl 94: 0.07%: info.wins.uva.nl 191: 3.76%: alfredo.wise-guys.nl 77: 0.65%: vincento.wise-guys.nl 120: 0.13%: proxy.worldonline.nl 87: 0.03%: proxy.wxs.nl 183: 0.05%: csstaffpc-04.aston.ac.uk 51: 0.01%: src-sr2.aston.ac.uk 79: 1.16%: scooter.aveurope.co.uk 18480: 78.28%: [not listed: 3,901 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code -----: ----------- 19913: 200 OK 2601: 206 Partial content 307: 301 Document moved permanently 1943: 302 Document found elsewhere 1179: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 1: 400 Bad request 6: 401 Authentication required 318: 403 Access forbidden 110: 404 Document not found 1: 408 Request timeout 25: 500 Internal server error
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the sizes of files.
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: ----: ------: 0: 1604: : 1b- 10b: 21: : 11b- 100b: 12: : 101b- 1kb: 5854: 0.31%: 1kb- 10kb: 7046: 2.13%: 10kb-100kb: 6860: 19.14%: 100kb- 1Mb: 2132: 62.96%: 1Mb- 10Mb: 164: 15.46%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the extensions of requested files.
Listing extensions, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: extension ----: ------: --------- 8333: 3.10%: .gif [GIF graphics] 5244: 71.67%: .pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format] 4196: 3.36%: [directories] 1836: 0.07%: .css [Cascading Style Sheets] 1451: 0.33%: [no extension] 1382: 21.11%: .gz [Gzip compressed files] 1382: 21.11%: .ps.gz 534: 0.12%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 277: 0.02%: .asc [ASCII armored (PGP) file] 147: 0.04%: .png [PNG graphics] 133: 0.11%: .bib [BibTeX database file] 90: 0.06%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 70: 0.01%: .scp [Windows 95/98/NT Dial-Up Networking script]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Request Report)
This report lists the files on the site.
Listing files, sorted by the number of requests.
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